Friday 4 April 2008


Standard Web 2.0 coolness done easily and nicely

As Rails users we are well familiar with and the Web 2.0 coolness that is pretty much built in to Rails.

Standard Web 2.0 coolness done better

To be frank, our js framework of choice is actually jQuery. We prefer the lighter weight, power and general betterness.

Show stopper?

Thing is, we've found a few negative points of using both jQuery and together:

  • Heavier pages due to more libraries

    • Slightly mitigated through packing and caching

  • Not working nicely together

    • Having to use noconflict

      • var J = jQuery.noConflict();

      • A minor inconvenience really...

  • Mixing frameworks is just plain messy

All is not lost

So, we've elected to use jRails. We now use only one js framework resulting in lighter, cleaner and nicer Web 2.0 apps. No changes are required to most .rjs scripts and you still get pretty much all the functionality required from

Minor gotcha

We did find a slight omission however. Where Ajax calls use
to prescribe Ajax loading behaviour, jQuery uses
This is not supported in the current
We have been in touch with Aaron and hopefully a fix will be posted...Till then, here's a patch:

js_options['beforeSend'] = "function(xhr) {xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'text/javascript'); #{options.delete(:loading)};}"

Of course, if you're using Piston, you'll be fine.


More news soon on Moneyspyder's newest clients and work...!

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