Friday 22 May 2009

Aggregation of marginal gains

@avinashkaushik: Why do otherwise intelligent people ignore the low hanging fruit and want to eat the whole tree first? - (via twitter of course)

I have no qualms at all about this shameless retweet/re post. The subject matter is something Moneyspyder is a great fan of - the aggregation of marginal gains. In a nutshell:

John Carlzon - "you cannot improve one thing by 1000% but you can improve 1000 little things by 1%"

Feel free to view the webinar below at your leisure. Whilst watching it bear in mind that whilst John Carlzon's quote is very profound and highly relevant, consider these questions:

  • How do you identify 1000 clearly improvable features on your site?
  • Having identified these 1000 candidates, what changes should you make?

  • Having decided what changes to make - how do you accurately and precisely measure the effects of the changes?

  • How do you translate the effects of the changes into a bottom line ROI?

Think on, watch, call Moneyspyder

Friday 15 May 2009

Keywords in snippets Google SEO research

Moneyspyder enjoys a high rate of success regarding Search Engine Optimisation of our client's sites. However, we are aware that success is never final. With the SEO arms race constantly moving forwards, we are always on the lookout for new research, techniques and methodologies to enable us to make sure our client's ecommerce businesses ranked as highly as possible in Google organic search results.

We read an interesting blog post recently regarding the impact of keywords in snippets with respect to clickthroughs in Google organic search results.

Have a read of Dr. Mike Baxter's 'Reflections from the River Bank' blog .

Monday 4 May 2009

Google Analytics - Can Moneyspyder coin a new term?

Haruspicy is prediction of the future by cutting open a goat...nice. Tephromancy is the art of divination by inspecting ashes. Cyclomancy is a divination technique using rotating objects.

At Moneyspyder, we prefer to use the science of Google Analytics as a business planning tool. When setup properly, your Google Analytics data will have sufficient precision and accuracy that reliance on entrails, ashes, or badly setup Google Analytics will seem like medieval practices.

Can we coin the phrase "Google-omancy"? Attempting to predict the future of your business using sub-optimal Google Analytics is difficult at best and more-than-likely dangerous in most cases.