Friday, 24 July 2009

Twitter live search widget - suggested tweaks for tweeples...

Take a look at the left hand side of our blog and our 'About Us' page on our site. You'll see we have integrated the new Twitter Live Search Widget. It's quite neat but...the generated code doesn;t work too well. If you go with the standard code, it won't look quite like the example and you'll find the tweats heading of down the page and stomping all over your content.

If you want to use the Twitter Live Search Widget in blogger, add the following line in the head section of yout HTML template:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""></link>

or as we have done on our site, just drop the css ref in with the generated script:

<div id="twtr-search-widget"></div>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script src=""></script>

Tweet on in safety Tweeples...

Okay - with the script generated in ie, matters improve slightly.

I maintain, IE is *very* sensitive about script. Perhaps it's a combination of the script & IE.

Proceed with caution.

The style sheet *is* needed though.


ded said...

There are some known issues before launching the new widget. we're actively working on them to make the integration better.


Doug Halll said...

thanks for the comment - I totally appreciate the efforts on this really cool widget.

Regards Doug