Friday, 17 May 2013

5 Conversion Optimisation Tips for your Ecommerce Platform

The Sheerluxe B2B Conference is a great way to meet and learn from other luxury brands and their suppliers. Last month James Aston, our MD, spoke on the role of common sense and discipline in increasing conversion rates. He looked at five things you should have done last year, but haven't.

How many of these things are you avoiding doing because you're unsure of the data? Or because you simply haven't got around to it yet? We believe that one of the biggest ways we add value to our clients is by helping to instil discipline and by making sure that common sense solutions don't fall by the wayside.

Which of these five things does your site currently do?
  1.     Responsive Mobile Design
  2.     Customer On-page Reviews
  3.     Abandoned Basket Emails
  4.     Best Practice Design Updates
  5.     Third Party Checkouts and Shopping Feeds
You can download a summary of James' presentation here.

Time to move ecommerce platform? If your site doesn't do these things and you know it's going to cost you a lot of money and take ages to get this done on your current platform, it sounds like you could use a new website.

Our platform comes with the full range of ecommerce solutions. We pride ourselves on our track record of helping mulit-channel and ecommerce companies grow. We'll provide you with a service tailored to your needs; one that's flexible enough to allow you to make changes to your site as and when you need them.

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