Friday 6 June 2014

Google Analytics Summit 2014 – Key Announcements

Last week Moneyspyder were at the Google Analytics Partner Summit in San Francisco. At the Summit Google announced some great new functionality that improves the quality of data collected by Analytics, as well as making the insights it provides more accessible and actionable.

  • Enhanced Ecommerce
  • Data Import
  • Remarketing 

What This Means for You

1. Upgrade to Universal Analytics - Enhanced Ecommerce and Data Import are only available to Universal Analytics users. If you haven’t upgraded yet, you should consider doing it sooner rather than later. Google are going to start phasing out the old version of Analytics soon

2. Use Google Tag Manager – Google Tag Manager allows you to add and change tracking tags without having to deploy new code, and without involving your developer. This makes upgrading Analytics easier and cheaper.

3. Get a retargeting strategy – retargeting is becoming an ‘always on’ marketing solution. Review your analytics to define your most valuable segments and market to them with the remarketing tool. A good place to start is with Google’s ‘Smart List’, which creates a remarketing list of your most valuable visitors, based on their behaviour on your site.

Google’s main announcement was Enhanced Ecommerce, which is a dramatic redesign of the ecommerce functionality in Analytics. Enhanced Ecommerce automatically tracks and displays your checkout funnel. It also allows you to view more information about products. Whereas previously it has only been possible to see how many products you have sold. Enhanced Ecommerce shows how many times a product has been viewed and how many times it has been added to the basket and then purchased.

This makes Enhanced Ecommerce a powerful merchandising tool; allowing you to identify and promote your top performing products.

Google’s other announcements make Analytics a much more accurate reporting tool. With the existing Data Import functionality, businesses could automatically upload cost data such as the cost of your email, affiliate and display ads. This makes Google’s ROI calculations more accurate.

It is now possible to upload many more types of data into Analytics. You can import your refund figures so that your revenue number in Analytics starts to reflect your actual bottom line. You can also upload additional product data, such as what category or brand they belong to.

One final thing to emphasise is the improved remarketing capabilities. Businesses can now use advanced segments as remarketing lists meaning targeting has never been more accurate.

To take full advantage of these improvements, and to stay up to date with these Analytics changes, we recommend you do the following:
  1. Upgrade to Enhanced Ecommerce and Universal Analytics.
  2. Make your life simpler by using Google Tag Manager to manage your Analytics tags. 
  3. Grow your Remarketing Campaigns - Make sure you don't miss out on easy revenue.

If you want any more information on what these changes mean, or for help configuring your Analytics call us on 0207 492 1929 or email us on

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