Thursday, 13 November 2014

3 Ways to Increase your Online Store Profits with Single Click Purchase

Moneyspyder use SagePay for many of our ecommerce platform clients. Here's some information on exciting product improvements that are coming up, from Katy Wilson at Sagepay.

‘Single-click’ checkouts use tokenisation to convert sensitive shopper card data into an encrypted series of digits (the ‘token’). This token is recalled on subsequent purchases – removing the need for the shopper to re-enter their card details.Using tokenised payments to obtain a ‘single-click’ checkout means that the process is slick and seamless for your customers. It is particularly beneficial when it comes to the steadily increasing numbers of shoppers browsing and buying through mobile and tablet channels.

• Encourage repeat payments:
Our Payments Landscape Report 2014 showed that 41% of successful businesses are offering tokenised payments and have seen a related boost in conversions. Single Click checkouts also help you capture loyal customer data that you could use for more targeted marketing.

• Be mobile ready:
Although you may have optimised your site for mobile browsers, or even have a mobile app, you may not have considered the payment process. Using a single-click checkout means that customers browsing on their mobile or tablet don’t need to fiddle around entering long card numbers – they can simply click and buy.

• Secure your profits:
Our survey reports tokenised payments have saved businesses an average of £6,010.43 off their PCI regulation costs. Large businesses are seeing the biggest impact, with overall savings of upwards of £8,000. The secure technology that Sage Pay provides for ‘single-click’ purchases also has the added bonus of dramatically reducing the cost of PCI Compliance for merchants.

To find out how you can offer Single Click purchases to your customers and increase your sales this Xmas season, simply request a call back today! To speak to someone at Sage Pay about how they could help your business, call 0845 485 6069 or get in touch with us at

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