Wednesday 17 October 2007

How Moneyspyder increased's sales 1

This is the first post describing how Moneyspyder increased sales by 128% for DC4UK. This was a multi-pronged effort covering all aspects of the current business - there is more to come though - success is never final!


First some background: Moneyspyder worked with DC4U initially on a consultative basis with James spending 1 day every two weeks getting to know the DC4U team and aligning their business strategy ready for growth. James had identified the business as having huge potential so in May 2007 Moneyspyder launched the new site on the Moneyspyder platform so that the business had an appropriate platform on which to base this growth.

The big decision

Crucially, and Moneyspyder jointly made the decision to port the site onto the new platform with as little change to the customer facing website as possible. This meant that we could use the strength and flexibility of the Moneyspyder technology to introduce change in a controlled manner. Controlling change, and importantly measuring the effects of change have meant that all changes have meaning and value to the business.

Change and measurement

For example, a change to the presentation of product colours and sizes showing stock status was demonstrated to reduce frustration in not finding products have made size and colour choices.

Further to this, not all changes were immediately visible: Using YSlow to understand how pages were being downloaded enabled significant speed improvements to be made with no impact to site reliability.

Finally, an exercise in data cleansing and validation ensured that the effects of the changes described above were accurately measurable without being soiled by 'noise' from poor customer experience or data impregnated with HTML.

Thus, DC4UK and Moneyspyder had in place, a culture of control, reliability, partnership and change and measurement on which to build the future success of the company.

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