Tuesday 30 April 2013

PPC Review Case Study

TeamSeer Adwords Review

TeamSeer is a market leading absence management software provider. Their long term Adwords Campaigns weren’t generating as many leads as they had been a year earlier. As a marketing channel, something had to be done.


Using Analytics we reviewed year-on-year performance and identified the factors that had changed that might explain the decline in performance. We also undertook Keyword Research to assess how relevant their 1+ year old keyword mix still was to the market.


Once we put the numbers on context we found that traffic levels had remained constant but the conversion rate had been slipping.

We sat down with them and took them through our list of recommendations. There was a set of immediate changes that would improve conversion and traffic relevance as well as a list of longer term areas to improve and test. Particular areas for optimisation were bid price, ad copy and keyword relevance.


Improvements were instantaneous. The new bidding strategy and keyword work increased click through rates and conversions increased 80%. We are now working with them to reduce cost per conversion and increase keyword relevance.

“MoneySpyder’s Adwords Review gave us immediate perspective on what was wrong with our campaigns. We were able to make changes that had a positive impact within days.”
- Peter Wake, TeamSeer

Click to find out more about our Adwords Review and SEO Audit.

If you need help with your online marketing strategy, give us a ring on 0207 492 1929 or email info@moneyspyder.co.uk.

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